Self Care for Moms: 7 Tips to Reclaim Your Time & Energy

mom cup of coffee self care

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Even as a stay at home mom, homemaker, etc. you can experience burnout. While us moms can still pour from an empty cup, I can promise you, you will be so much happier taking some time for yourself. When you are energized, happy and enjoying life, your home and your family will feel this as well. It can be hard to work self care into our busy schedules but carving out some time each day to take care of ourselves can truly be a game changer.

  1. Participate in a hobby

Throughout our journey in motherhood our hobbies may evolve our change. I personally crochet, while I have never made anything for myself and it all ends up being gifted. I find it extremely relaxing even to just work on it for 15 minutes. Or maybe even read a book. Find one that interests you and just read a chapter or two. Here are a few recommendations:

2. Go for a walk outside

This is one that can be great to do as a family or solo. Time outside away from screens and the never ending clean up can be great for the mind and soul. Even bringing along the kiddos can be fun and relaxing as their little minds can wander and play as well. In the winter months this can be a challenge but try to time them for the warmest part of the day and keep them as long or as short as the weather allows.

3. Take a bath

We all have to clean ourselves at one point right? Try to carve out a little extra time to fill the bath and put in some epsom salts or essential oils. It doesn’t have to be long, just 20 minutes can do wonders in an epsom salt bath. While in the bath try to AVOID screentime. Get out a book or just simply shut your eyes and be present in the moment. Here are a few of my favorite bath time essentials.

4. Start a journal

No, you do not need to write a novel in your diary, however just writing things down at the end of the day can help clear your mind. I personally like to write down things I am grateful for, things we did that day, things I got done and things I would like to do tomorrow or in the coming week. This simple task helps me clear my mind to relax and helps me remember the next day what I wanted to get done if it is out of my ordinary routine.

5. Wake up 15 minutes earlier

While this one may seem counter productive when it comes to maximizing sleep. However, waking up 15 minutes earlier to have some time to yourself can be extremely beneficial. How you spend that 15 minutes is up to you, you can take that time to read a book and drink some coffee, get dressed and get ready for the day, enjoy the sunrise, etc. How you spend that time is totally up to you. I personally get up 30 minutes before my toddler to get dressed, do my skincare routine and enjoy my breakfast. 

6. Take a day off social media

How many times a day do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling Facebook, Instagram, etc.? I am pretty sure we are all guilty of it. Taking a day off can be refreshing, not worrying about what others are doing, saying, etc. Some may struggle with this at first however the more I do it the more I don’t WANT to be on social media anymore. Social media affects our mental health more than we realize and it is hard to see the benefits until we try it. 

7. Pamper yourself

Now when I say pamper I don’t mean, you have to have a $500 spa day. (However if that's what you want do then by all means GO FOR IT) Most of us probably don’t have the extra time so when I say pamper think of, a 30 minute face mask, painting your toenails, a glass of wine in a bubble bath, ask your partner for a massage, do you hair, etc. Whatever it is that makes YOU feel YOUR BEST. Then do it. We are all different and have different things that make us feel good. Here's a few simple ideas

Now I hope this sparks some ideas in you to enjoy some self care time for yourself. When I am well rested and take care of myself my mood and energy level improves drastically. You don’t always have to pour from an empty cup, take the extra 15-30 minutes a day and you will find yourself in a much better headspace!


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